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Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Hello Everyone!

Today I am going to discuss the benefits of drinking Apple Cider Vinegar daily (ACV), and some of its other uses! I only recently came to realize the many benefits and uses of Apple Cider Vinegar and felt a need to share it with you all. I have used it in one of my many face masks for over a year before doing more research into what exactly ACV does for your skin. That was not the smartest move on my part, always do your research before putting anything on your face! However, I got very lucky with ACV it has countless benefits for your skin and internal organs!

1. Can Kill Harmful Bacteria

There is a lot of bad bacteria that can form on skin to cause acne, and there is even bad bacteria that can form in your stomach and intestines! Acetic acid is a key substance in vinegar that can kill bacteria and stop it from multiplying to dangerous levels. By applying ACV as a toner to your skin you can prevent pimples. I have used it on deeper cystic pimples and seen them disappear without leaving a scar or mark at all! You can also make an ACV drink to cleanse your digestive system.

2. Reduces Blood Sugar Levels

Elevated blood sugar levels can become a problem for anyone with age and it can lead to many chronic diseases. However, Apple Cider Vinegar improves insulin sensitivity when having high carbohydrate meals and lowers blood glucose responses from your body. Apple Cider Vinegar can also be helpful for people with type 2 diabetes.

3. Aids in Weight Loss and Limits Appetite

Because ACV lowers blood glucose levels it makes sense that it can aid in weight loss. If you drink ACV before your meals it will help you feel fuller, and consume fewer calories in return. Apple Cider Vinegar can also suppress cravings especially those for sugar, and processed sugar. If you have a sweet tooth (like me) that will definitely help lose weight around the waist. Of course the most successful method of weight loss is to combine, diet and exercise consistently over a long period of time. Do not be discouraged if you do not see results within a week of drinking ACV.

4. Gives an Energy Boost

The vinegar in ACV contains enzymes that can give you a lift in your energy. This is great if you are not a morning person or great for a pre-workout motivator!

If those benefits are not enough to convince you to add Apple Cider Vinegar into your daily routine I don't know what else to tell you! Now lets get into how to use ACV properly for the best results.


1. Drink

Apple Cider Vinegar is highly acidic so please do not drink it straight. The acidity can harm the enamel of your teeth, the lining of your esophagus, and the lining of your stomach. However, a solution to this is diluting the ACV with water. Also a little disclaimer, Apple Cider Vinegar does have a unique and strong taste to it, at first it can seem strong and hard to swallow, but the more you drink it the more common it becomes. For me it does not seem strong at all, and the way it makes me feel surpasses the taste. I recommend the BRAGG brand, it is unfiltered, unpasteurized, and raw. Nothing has been removed from it, this will enable you to get all health benefits possible from it!

I recommend you start drinking ACV slowly, try 1 TBLS of Apple Cider Vinegar to ½ or ¼ cup of water. You can also add a splash of lemon juice (I use this one) to the drink for flavor and additional benefits, the same goes for cinnamon. As you get used to the taste you can increase the amount of Apple Cider Vinegar. Ideally you want to drink 3 TBLS of ACV to a ½ of water, if you do add lemon juice to your drink add a TSP or less.

I prefer to use the above shown lemon juice, it is organic and there is a huge difference when compared to non-organic lemon juice. The color, scent, and taste are totally different. The organic lemon juice is more pure, healthier, and non-organic lemon juice does not have the same benefits! Of course if you prefer you can squeeze your own lemon juice straight into your drink!

2. Toner

For an everyday toner I recommend mixing equal parts water and ACV. Then get a cotton ball damp with the mixture and apply it over your face once daily for sensitive skin. As you use it more frequently you can possibly increase the uses but make sure to moisturize afterwards.

When using Apple Cider Vinegar on deeper cystic pimples I apply ACV (non-diluted) to a cotton ball and I hold it over the pimple for 30 seconds to a minute. Again depending on your skins sensitivity take it slow at first, again make sure to moisturize after and only do this once daily so as not to burn the skin. The deep pimple should shrink and you shouldn't feel as much "stuff" below the surface.

3. Salad Dressing

If you cannot stomach drinking the Apple Cider Vinegar try it as a salad dressing! I have a friend who has a salad everyday for lunch and, if that doesn't make me feel bad enough, they insist on only having Apple Cider Vinegar and olive oil as a salad dressing. Super healthy! My friend does not follow a specific recipe for the dressing, they just pour the ACV over the salad then drizzle the olive oil on top as well. However, I'm sure there is a recipe for a similar dressing on Pinterest or the internet.

4. Face Mask

For my face mask I measure out equal portions of Apple Cider Vinegar and this bentonite clay powder (I usually use a TBLS of each) and a few drops of Tea Tree Oil. The Tea Tree Oil is optional, it isn't needed to get the benefits but it makes the face mask more comfortable on your skin.

Thank you for checking out my blog!

I hope this inspires you to try Apple Cider Vinegar and see the benefits for yourself!

Emily Marie

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